This information constitutes a set of applicable rules aimed at protecting intellectual property published on the website and all other websites belonging to the company Moziu Daniel Mochnal, 15 Poniatowskiego St., 59-921 Porajów, NIP (Tax ID no.) 6151943412, which is the owner of the Saketos brand and trademark.

The whole content of the presented website is the property of the company Moziu Daniel Mochnal, the owner of the Saketos brand, and constitutes a work within the meaning of the Act of February 4, 1994, on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws of 90, item 631).

No part of the website may be distributed or copied in any way (electronic, mechanical, or other) without the written consent of the owner of the Saketos brand.

Registered trademark

The Saketos brand is a trademark registered on 22.05.2020 with the European Union Intellectual Property Office under registration number 018156348.

Strict prohibition on copying the content

It is strictly prohibited to copy and use the content from, including the following: product descriptions, short product descriptions, meta descriptions, blog content, rules, regulations and terms of use, privacy policy, product category descriptions, the content of individual pages, tags, and other types of content published within the domain.

Terms of using photographs and graphic artwork

Whenever a private person or legal entity intends to use photographs and other graphic elements (both raster and vector graphics) that are the intellectual property of Moziu Daniel Mochnal, it is required to contact [email protected] to obtain consent and determine the areas in which the material in question will be used.

Once your request has been processed, you will receive our consent as a scan or e-mail message or letter, which will enable you to use our graphic material.

Exclusions, provisos, and restrictions

We reserve the right to refuse to grant consent or revoke existing consent immediately without giving reasons. The most common reason for such a decision is suspected or proven action which in our opinion could be detrimental to the Saketos brand and/or the company Moziu Daniel Mochnal. We exclude the possibility of sharing images and graphics with any third parties. Our withdrawal of consent requires that you remove all photographs and graphic artwork owned by Moziu Daniel Mochnal which you are using.

Procedure for the detection of violations

In the event of discovering violations consisting in the illegal appropriation of graphic elements (without the consent of Moziu Daniel Mochnal), we will send you a message with a request to remove them. Our message will constitute our first legal action – a pre-litigation notice to cease and desist in favour of Moziu Daniel Mochnal and/or the Saketos brand.

Information required on the website

A necessary condition for the use of our photographs is the inclusion on the website where the images will be used of information indicating that the owner of the Saketos brand is the manufacturer of the products and the owner of the photographs.

Modifications to photographs and/or graphic artwork

Any modifications to the photographs are only possible after the owner of the Saketos brand has granted its consent and accepted the changes.

Possible consent

The use of photographs from our resources is only possible if the image is actually used to illustrate our company’s product. We do not agree to the use of our photographs or graphic artwork to promote and sell another supplier’s goods. We consent to the use of our photographs only for the duration of the sale (or promotion) of our products unless we decide otherwise on an individual basis and inform you of it (e.g. consent to sell/promote another type of product in parallel).


In addition to the above-described terms, restrictions, and procedures related to the use of the intellectual property of the owner of the Saketos brand, civil law should also be used in any cases of dispute.

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